Note: inDesign Turn-off application bar
On a Mac, open the files "Start_CurrentWorkspace.xml" and "Essentials_CurrentWorkspace.xml" in this folder (may differ slightly depending on your version of InDesign):
/Users/[user]/Library/Preferences/Adobe InDesign/Version 17.0/en_GB/Workspaces/
Find this line:
<app-container-control-bar id="64" origin="1 44" size="595 37" is-closed="false"/>
And change it to:
<app-container-control-bar id="64" origin="1 44" size="595 37" is-closed="true"/>
Save the XML files, and restart InDesign.
FREETONE - Pantone-ish colour palette for Adobe products by Stuart Sem – Culture Hustle
FREETONE by Stuart Semple contains 1280 colours including digital versions of his Pinkest Pink, Incredibly Kelinish Blue, Black 3.0 and TIFF. A SIMPLE & TOTALLY FREE COLOUR PALETTE PLUGIN FOR ADOBE That unlocks a whole books worth of very Pantone-ish colours. 1280 Liberated colours are extremely Pantoneish and re #adobe
GitHub - creold/illustrator-scripts: Some powerfull JSX scripts for extending Adobe Illustrator
Some powerfull JSX scripts for extending Adobe Illustrator - GitHub - creold/illustrator-scripts: Some powerfull JSX scripts for extending Adobe Illustrator
Note: Adobe - installer plugin
cd "/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Adobe Desktop Common/RemoteComponents/UPI/UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent/"
./UnifiedPluginInstallerAgent --install /Users/XXXXX/Downloads/a228339b-b1b0-49f6-9aae-271360c3263b.zxp