Créer un favicon adaptatif | Articles | web.dev
Présentation des principes de base de la création d'un favicon adaptatif.
Présentation des principes de base de la création d'un favicon adaptatif.
In earlier versions of Mac OS X, there were two separate options for smart quotes and smart dashes in the Keyboard System Preferences; however in at least versions 10.9 through 10.11, that option has been replaced by a single "Use smart quotes and dashes" preference.
Fortunately, there are still two separate preferences under the hood, and the UI checkbox toggles both of them simultaneously. You can enable or disable just one of smart quotes or smart dashes from the terminal:
# Disable just smart dashes
defaults write -g NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled 0
# Disable just smart quotes
defaults write -g NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled 0
# To re-enable, set either back to 1.
This is currently true as of OS X 10.11; this may change in future versions of OS X (or macOS, as it will now be called).
The ultimate list of 70+ web-based CSS tools that every frontend developer should have bookmarked!. Tagged with css, webdev, opensource, codenewbie.
The Component Gallery is a collection of components from the best Design Systems.
This tutorial provides the steps to apply CSS-Trick’s Scroll Page Horizontally With Mouse Wheel in Oxygen on a Section having the Gallery component. Note: Vertical scrolling does not continue past the Section once the horizontal scrolling of the content (the Gallery in this case) has reached the end. If that is needed, follow this tutorial […]
1) Load jQuery and the Mouse Wheel plugin Mouse Wheel plugin is here. 2) Attach mousewheel event to body The "30" represents speed. preventDefault ensures